Thursday 31 May 2012

Where I went wrong

Things when started went all so smooth
Whatever happened around was also good
Everyone believed it was an auspicious mood
But I still can’t guess, O dude!
Where the hell I went wrong?
I’ve been waiting for so long
And damn! You arrived so rude
You surely broke my heart
Leaving me in the middle of the warpath
The blood dripping off my sleeves
No aspirin could even help me relieve
Yet the question still lingering my mind
Where the hell I went wrong?
Although the time has passed on now
People forgot you somehow
Ah! The wounds still hurt
You’ve made a gloomy, creepy cut
The terrific past
Makes me aghast
The agony deep within still remains
Neither cuddles nor lullabies could help me in bane
But I’m waiting for you again
Moving on, making smart moves
Still one question sustains
That where the hell I went wrong?


  1. rhyme with meaning, nice

  2. Smooth flow, good job

  3. I think this is a real life incident. It's been four years since blog was written. I think it's sufficient time to look back on the events with clarity and finish the blog appropriately.

    Do share with us what are your thoughts now on this event. Do you think it left a positive impact on you? Did it help you shape your personality in any better way? Is the saying, "Whatever happens, happens for the best" really true? Who has been better off among you, the cheater guy or you? Do elaborate a bit how you think this incident changed your life.

    I am not asking you to share out of any sort of self-curiosity. Some time from now, my words on these blogs would be as irrelevant as words on sand of a desert.

    I am asking you to share because I am 99% sure this must have left a positive mark in your life. So everyone who comes down here will read your experience and leave with a bit more positive attitude towards life :-)

    1. Okay I'm not so good at writing and back then in school I was even worse :P anyway it's a personified poem. This isn't about a heartbreak due to a failed relationship or a cheater guy. This is about struggles and failures, perhaps an unachieved goal personified, an exam maybe. And about me, yes I had my own share of ups and downs in life. I've seen failures, fake people, depression etc and every time it's a learning. Because I believe that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And for cheaters in love and relationship etc, personally I feel that there are many more interesting or crucial things to think about. The former is over hyped I feel, thanks to the movies.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm not a full time blogger, most of the posts were written when I was 16 or so. Back in school days, exams like JEE, AIPMT etc. were of utmost importance to students.
      And, as for copy-paste I really don't think that this stuff too good to consider it copied. But, if one does, I'll take it as a compliment because at least I know that this is nothing but a genuine teenager's post.
